Hey {{event.prospective_seller_first_name}},
What’s your redline?
This is a common question you as a solar sales professional likely get all the time.
Not only is the redline model outdated, it is also designed to take money away from you.
Who wants to give their time and talent to a company that takes something away?
If your redline is more than $2 per watt, then this opportunity is especially for YOU!
If you’re ready to earn more and grow your career, Powur can get you there.
Our transparent, industry-first Cost of Goods (COGS) model put everything on the table.
- No hidden costs
- No minimizing your profits
Earn residual income on passive sales
Powur offers sellers the actual Cost of Goods (COGS) as your base price and lets you keep the majority of the net revenue with a 70/30 split.
With this model, the sky truly is the limit!
Watch this short and informative video to see the difference in the Pour Cost of Goods Model (COGs) and how it works for YOU!